Volume 30, 2020
30, 2020
Research Article Production, e20190159, 2020, Publication date May 29, 2020 Extending the POLCA production control system with centralized job release
Sílvio Carmo-Silva; Nuno Fernandes; Matthias Thürer; Luís Pinto Ferreira Production, e20190131, 2020, Publication date June 17, 2020 Simulation-based analysis of lean practices implementation on the supply chain of a public hospital
Gabriela Aline Borges; Guilherme Luz Tortorella; Felipe Martínez; Matthias Thurer Production, e20200015, 2020, Publication date August 28, 2020 Diffusion of operational capabilities knowledge: The social skills perspective
Cristiane Biazzin; Mario Sacomano Neto; Silvio Eduardo Alvarez Candido Production, e20200033, 2020, Publication date August 28, 2020 Analysis of hospital flow management: the 3 R’s approach
Bruna Dones Gayer; Érico Marcon; Wagner Pietrobelli Bueno; Priscila Wachs; Tarcisio Abreu Saurin; Paulo Ghinato Production, e20190003, 2020, Publication date September 04, 2020 Method for assessing the obsolescence of manufacturing equipment based on the triple bottom line
Marcelo Niehues Schlickmann; João Carlos Espíndola Ferreira; Abner do Canto Pereira Production, e20190108, 2020, Publication date September 24, 2020 Dynamic capabilities for sustainable innovation: the case of a footwear company in Brazil
Bruna Cavalcanti Barros Rodrigues; Cláudia Fabiana Gohr; Álvaro Marques Borges Calazans Production, e20200009, 2020, Publication date September 24, 2020 Comparison of selection and combination strategies for demand forecasting methods
Saymon Galvão Bandeira; Symone Gomes Soares Alcalá; Roberto Oliveira Vita; Talles Marcelo Gonçalves de Andrade Barbosa Production, e20190155, 2020, Publication date October 21, 2020 What are the key determinants of maintenance performance?
Soroush Avakh Darestani; Mandana Ganji; Rana Imannezhad Production, e20200054, 2020, Publication date October 28, 2020 Prioritization of occupational health and safety indicators using the Fuzzy-AHP method
Guilherme Ferrari Neto; Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal; Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez; Rodrigo Clemente Thom de Souza Production, e20200013, 2020, Publication date November 30, 2020 A fuzzy AHP approach to select suppliers in the Brazilian food supply chain
Mayra Oliveira Ramos; Eliciane Maria da Silva; Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Júnior
Systematic Review Production, e20190020, 2020, Publication date March 09, 2020 Capital budgeting: a systematic review of the literature
Paula de Souza Michelon; Rogério João Lunkes; Antonio Cezar Bornia
Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics Production, e20190037, 2020, Publication date December 10, 2019 Method to assess the atmospheric pollutant emissions generated by railway track maintenance
Jéssica Ferrari Araujo; Thainá Fardin Damascena; Rodrigo de Alvarenga Rosa; Patrício José Moreira Pires; Bernardo Bicalho Carvalhaes; Rafaella Ribeiro Caliman Production, e20190019, 2020, Publication date March 05, 2020 Towards a contribution to sustainable management of a dairy supply chain
Felipe Ungarato Ferreira; Sabine Robra; Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro; Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes; José Adolfo de Almeida Neto; Luciano Brito Rodrigues Production, e20190032, 2020, Publication date March 05, 2020 Using FITradeoff in a ranking problem for supplier selection under TBL performance evaluation: An application in the textile sector
Lorena Vieira Santos Rodrigues; Ramon Swell Gomes Rodrigues Casado; Edinalva Nogueira de Carvalho; Maisa Mendonça Silva; Lúcio Camara e Silva Production, e20190036, 2020, Publication date March 05, 2020 Sustainability Assessment of logistics activities in a dairy: An example of an emerging economy
Eduardo Guilherme Satolo; Renan Stenico de Campos; Guilherme de Andrade Ussuna; Alexandre Tadeu Simon; Priscilla Ayleen Bustos Mac-Lean; Sérgio Silva Braga Júnior Production, e20190069, 2020, Publication date May 08, 2020 Preliminary study for implementation of voluntary delivery points of expanded polystyrene: a case in southern Brazil
Jaqueline Carneiro Kerber; Henrique Rogério Antunes de Souza Júnior; Maria Eliza Nagel Hassemer; Marina Bouzon Production, e20190038, 2020, Publication date September 17, 2020 Comparative analysis between transportation modes for sustainability perspective in one metropolitan region of southern Brazil
Laura Visintainer Lerman; Amália Koefender; Guilherme Brittes Benitez; Mateus José do Rêgo Ferreira Lima; Alejandro Germán Frank Production, e20190068, 2020, Publication date September 17, 2020 Sustainability in bicycle sharing systems: evidences of travel mode choice changings in Rio de Janeiro
Yesus Emmanuel Medeiros Vieira; Fábio de Rezende Francisco; Orivalde Soares da Silva Júnior; Renata Albergaria Bandeira; Jose Eugenio Leal
Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering Production, e20190093, 2020, Publication date February 28, 2020 Production engineers profiling: competences of the professional the market wants
Flávia Roesler Cordeiro; Carolline Amaral Paslauski; Priscila Wachs; Maria Auxiliadora Cannarozzo Tinoco Production, e20190151, 2020, Publication date March 09, 2020 Building up a national network of applied R&D institutes in an emerging innovation system
Markus Will; Holger Kohl; Marcelo Fabricio Prim; Alberto Xavier Pavim Production, e20190102, 2020, Publication date March 17, 2020 IoT and BDA in the Brazilian future logistics 4.0 scenario
Jobel Santos Correa; Mauro Sampaio; Rodrigo de Casto Barros; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf Production, e20190086, 2020, Publication date May 08, 2020 Decision-making trends in quality management: a literature review about Industry 4.0
Lucas Schmidt Goecks; Alex Almeida dos Santos; André Luis Korzenowski Production, e20190094, 2020, Publication date May 08, 2020 Prospects for using gamification in Industry 4.0
Ana Carla Bittencourt Reis; Everaldo Silva Júnior; Brenda Baumann Gewehr; Mateus Halbe Torres Production, e20190088, 2020, Publication date September 24, 2020 Virtual and augmented reality application in production engineering teaching-learning processes
Fernando Elemar Vicente dos Anjos; Luiz Alberto Oliveira Rocha; Débora Oliveira da Silva; Rodrigo Pacheco Production, e20200018, 2020, Publication date November 25, 2020 A decision support tool for operational planning: a Digital Twin using simulation and forecasting methods
Carlos Henrique dos Santos; Renan Delgado Camurça Lima; Fabiano Leal; José Antonio de Queiroz; Pedro Paulo Balestrassi; José Arnaldo Barra Montevechi Production, e20200030, 2020, Publication date November 25, 2020 Critical success factors-based taxonomy for Lean Public Management: a systematic review
Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Caiado; Daniel Michilini Carocha; Adriana Karla Goulart; Guilherme Luz Tortorella
Erratum Production, e20200051, 2020, Publication date July 21, 2020 ERRATUM