Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering

Building up a national network of applied R&D institutes in an emerging innovation system

Markus Will; Holger Kohl; Marcelo Fabricio Prim; Alberto Xavier Pavim

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims at answering the research question “How to successfully build up and strategically manage a new network of applied R&D in Brazil?”

Originality: The paper is based on a unique experience of a strategic partnership, transferring the experiences of managing the largest network of applied research in Europe to the Brazilian National Innovation System (NIS).

Research method: The research described in this paper follows an action research approach, using a participative process of rapid prototyping, pilot tests and continuous revision and adaptation.

Main findings: The paper presents a comprehensive and consistent set of management models, procedures and tools for the planning, implementation and evaluation of applied R&D institutes.

Implications for theory and practice: The paper’s findings contribute to the empirical research on methodologies to manage knowledge-based networks and innovation actors at the interface between research and industry.


Applied research, National innovation system, Brazil, Network governance, Business planning, Strategic Management, Evaluation


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