Research Article

Extending the POLCA production control system with centralized job release

Sílvio Carmo-Silva; Nuno Fernandes; Matthias Thürer; Luís Pinto Ferreira

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Abstract: Paper aims: POLCA is a production control system that forwards to gateway manufacturing cells jobs that arrive to a manufacturing system. However, Workload Control literature shows benefits from using a centralized release pre-shop pool. Thus, the paper aims at investigating the performance impact of incorporating centralized job release into POLCA, in high-variety make-to-order production.

Originality: This has not been investigated before.

Research method: Simulation was used for experimentation.

Main findings: In the case of the general flow shop, a manufacturing system configuration aligned with many real-world production systems, the investigation shows that adding centralized job release to the POLCA system, together with job release based on job workload, leads to a markedly improvement of job delivery performance.

Implications for theory and practice: The results show theoretical and practical relevance of applying central job release to POLCA system, in high-variety production, due to its markedly positive impact on delivery performance.


Production control systems, POLCA, Simulation


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