Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

Sustainability in bicycle sharing systems: evidences of travel mode choice changings in Rio de Janeiro

Yesus Emmanuel Medeiros Vieira; Fábio de Rezende Francisco; Orivalde Soares da Silva Júnior; Renata Albergaria Bandeira; Jose Eugenio Leal

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Abstract: Paper aims: This study aims to analyze the travel behaviors changings and the emissions reduction of CO2, CO, NOx and Particulate Matter (PM) promoted by the bicycle sharing system in the city of Rio de Janeiro.

Originality: The bicycle sharing systems have been experiencing rapid development in recent years, however, few empirical studies explore comprehensively the externalities of bicycle sharing, seeking to quantify the impacts of this travel system type on urban transport.

Research method: The research method used a modal distribution model calibrated with stated preference interviews and travel data provided by Tembici company.

Main findings: Results indicated a reduction in 2018 CO2 emissions compared to the existing system in 2014, not only because of the increase in the bicycle sharing system offer, but also due to a higher transfer rates from motorized transport to bicycle, particularly those originated from public transport and Transportation Network Company (TNC) services.

Implications for theory and practice: Results reveal the bicycle sharing in the city of Rio de Janeiro should be understood as a part of a process of adopting multimodality, with effective reductions achieved by the incentive to change passenger’s travel behavior.


Bike sharing system, Environment benefits, Nested logit model


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