Thematic Section - Present and Future of Production Engineering

IoT and BDA in the Brazilian future logistics 4.0 scenario

Jobel Santos Correa; Mauro Sampaio; Rodrigo de Casto Barros; Wilson de Castro Hilsdorf

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims to identify the degree of interest and expected return time on investment in Internet of Things (IoT) and Big Data Analytics (BDA) technologies by Brazilian logistics companies.

Originality: A logistics system that meets the requirements imposed by Industry 4.0 is known as Logistics 4.0. According to the current scientific literature, IoT and BDA technologies are the most promising for the Logistics 4.0 applications. Studies on the adoption of these technologies in Brazil are still embryonic and this paper collaborates to narrow this knowledge gap.

Research method: Exploratory research was conducted using the quantitative approach.

Main findings: The evidence of the interest in investment in IoT and BDA by Brazilian logistics companies, confirming the current literature.

Implications for theory and practice: The identification of the intended practical applications for Iot and BDA, as well as the expected difficulties in the implementation of these Technologies.


Logistics, Supply chain, Internet of things, Big data analytics, Industry 4.0


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