Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

Using FITradeoff in a ranking problem for supplier selection under TBL performance evaluation: An application in the textile sector

Lorena Vieira Santos Rodrigues; Ramon Swell Gomes Rodrigues Casado; Edinalva Nogueira de Carvalho; Maisa Mendonça Silva; Lúcio Camara e Silva

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper proposes a multicriteria decision approach for supplier selection using a multicriteria method based on Flexible and Interactive Tradeoff (FITradeoff) elicitation process, within the ranking problematic perspective.

Originality: This paper develops a framework integrating the results of VFT (Value-Focused Thinking) method with the Triple Bottom Line (TBL) dimension and the veto concept to improve the decision process within a multicriteria perspective.

Research method: This study provides a case study in a textile company in Campina Grande, northeast Brazil using data mainly from semi-structured interviews. It also employs quantitative techniques based on problem structuring methods and multicriteria decision making.

Main findings: The VFT helped in identifying criteria that are not yet explored by the company, and in structuring the decision problem of how incorporate and balance the TBL dimensions. The recommendation obtained by using the proposed multicriteria decision framework is different from the group of suppliers currently used by the company.

Implications for theory and practice: Clarify and identify different objectives and to specify the consequences of a decision problem, allowing the Decision Maker (DM) to obtain and prioritize an economic and sustainable solution for a given number of suppliers to be selected, saving his time and effort.


Supplier Selection, FITradeoff. Ranking problematic, Value Focused Thinking (VFT), Triple Bottom Line (TBL)


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