Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

The impact of lean and green practices on logistics performance: a structural equation modelling

Helena Sofia Rodrigues; Wellington Alves; Ângela Silva

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Abstract: Paper aims: This research has two main objectives, firstly to analyze the level of implementation of lean and green practices of a set of companies and secondly to analyze the relationship between lean and green initiatives in an industrial context.

Originality: The use of Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) allows a better analysis of the interlinkage of lean and green towards sustainable gains. The developed model offers conceptual contribution to the arena of the logistics, sustainability, lean and green.

Research methods: The methodology used in this study was carried out resorting an inquiry. Firstly, aiming to understand the level of these practices (lean and green) practices in the North of Portugal, a case study was considered. The sample taken is a convenient one, due to time and budget constraints. Secondly, in order to assess the possibility to combine lean ad and green initiatives, a statistical approach was used to develop a SEM for lean and green practices.

Main findings: The results demonstrated that the level of implementation of lean and green practices on Portuguese companies are not properly addressed and formalized. The statistical analysis also showed that lean environmental practices and green practices are positively associated. The research showed that lean and green has also a positive impact on the logistics processes of companies.

Implications for theory and practice: This research brings some contributions to both academy and companies. Firstly, a further discussion about the benefits of combining lean and green towards sustainability. Secondly, the development of a structural model for lean and green practices was presented, this model contributes to a better understanding of these practices, which can lead companies to develop strategic initiatives towards sustainability.


Lean, Green, Structural equations modelling analysis, Logistics


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