Research Article

Economic and environmental sustainability dimensions of a fashion supply chain: A quantitative model

Eleonora Bottani; Letizia Tebaldi; Isabella Lazzari; Giorgia Casella

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Abstract: Paper aim: The paper presents a model to assess the economic and the environmental sustainability dimensions of a fashion supply chain and tests it on a company.

Originality: The gap intended to fill is the lack of models in this context having this purpose, and, in general, the necessity to develop models and metrics allowing to quantitatively assess the economic and environmental dimensions of supply chains.

Research method: The fashion supply chain has been divided into five processes. Hence, an analytic model was developed by considering the total costs incurring in each process (economic evaluation), and the annual kilograms of CO2 emitted (environmental perspective). The model was then applied to a case study. Data was obtained from interviews with the management.

Main findings: Results show that from the economic perspective supply impacts the most, while from the environmental one the most polluting activity is production.

Implications for theory and practice: The model is easy to apply and to understand and allows to identify the activities in the supply chain where the majority of costs/emissions are generated. It is therefore expected to be useful for undertaking operational decisions aimed at decreasing the economic or environmental impact of a fashion supply chain.


Textile industry, Case study, Sustainable supply chain, Analytic model


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