Research Article

Open innovation integration to product development: a sector level analysis within the manufacturing industry

Rafael Ortega Marin; Paulo Carlos Kaminski

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Abstract: Paper aims: the purpose of this study is to analyze how Open Innovation (OI) activities occur in Product Development Processes (PDP) and in the design of new products.

Originality: the study is based on a self-developed and conducted survey, applied to engineers and managers working in departments involving product development and innovation among the Brazilian automakers.

Research method: the method adopted is that of a questionnaire-based survey. Results are analyzed through a principal component analysis, followed by ordinary least squares regressions, in order to test the hypotheses proposed.

Main findings: results suggest that inbound practices were more present than outbound practices, with a strong presence of the supplier in the design process (and not so much of a user-centered approach). Correlation between an organizational culture that favors OI and adoption to newer PDP methods and tools indicate that adopting newer product development methodologies and technologies could lead to a more “open” design process.

Implications for theory and practice: the research provides an overview of open innovation within the Brazilian automakers, and reports what could be opportunities for the automotive industry to head towards.


Product development, PDP, Open innovation, Innovation management, Automotive industry


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