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Critical success factors-based taxonomy for Lean Public Management: a systematic review

Rodrigo Goyannes Gusmão Caiado; Daniel Michilini Carocha; Adriana Karla Goulart; Guilherme Luz Tortorella

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims to critically review the Lean-based methodologies (e.g. Lean production, Lean Six Sigma, and lean government) in Public Administration to locate the critical success factors (CSFs) for lean public management implementation.

Originality: It is one of the first systematic literature reviews to explore the CSFs of Lean-based methodologies in the public sector with a strategic focus on the l-government.

Research method: This research is based on a systematic review of 83 articles that were published on Lean-based methodologies in public sector organizations in well-known academic databases.

Main findings: There were identified 28 CSFs, grouped by a taxonomy of five significant lean public management categories that deal with the spread of Lean-based methodologies in different public sector environments and can be used to guide continuous improvement (CI) in the public sector.

Implications for theory and practice: This paper can provide a better panorama to understand the present status of Lean-based methodologies towards public practices, as well as, to bridge the gap of a systematic approach (taxonomy) that could direct CI implementation in the public sector, considering a proper understanding of distinct public management characteristics, which can effectively guide practitioners, facilitating their decision-making.


Lean thinking, L-government, Critical factors, Literature review, Public sector


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