
About Production

The Production journal (formerly, Produção or Producao) is the flagship journal of ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production Engineering. Production (ISSN 0103-6513) was created in 1990 to serve as a channel of communication for academic articles in Production Engineering and Operations Management. 

The journal’s mission is to provide an internationally respected stream for original and relevant research related to Operations, Manufacturing, Industrial, and Production Engineering and Management.

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Prof. Dr. Adriana Leiras

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Published by:
ABEPRO - Brazilian Association of Production Engineering

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Page Sections

Call for papers - Thematic Section: “Digital Transformation of Supply Chain Management”


The Guest Editors and the Editor-in-chief of the journal Production invite scientists, engineers and decision makers from government, industry and academia to contribute with research papers. The manuscripts must present well-described scientific background; practical and academic relevance; clear aims; robust methods; well-presented and thoughtfully discussed results, with an original and relevant theoretical, empirical and/or methodological contribution.

NEW Submission deadline: October 31st, 2024

Click here to know more.


Call for papers - Thematic Section on “Present and Future of social systems for manufacturing (Industry 5.0: Human-centric production management)”


The thematic section guest editors invite scientists, engineers and decision makers from government, industry and academia to contribute with research papers. The manuscripts must present a welldescribed scientific background; practical and academic relevance; clear aims; robust methods; well-presented and thoughtfully discussed results, with an original and relevant theoretical, empirical and/or methodological contribution.


NEW Submission deadline: October 31st, 2024

Click here to know more.