Research Article

A fuzzy AHP approach to select suppliers in the Brazilian food supply chain

Mayra Oliveira Ramos; Eliciane Maria da Silva; Francisco Rodrigues Lima-Júnior

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Abstract: Paper aims: This research proposes to apply the Fuzzy Analytical Hierarchy Process method for the supplier’s selection in a Brazilian food company.

Originality: It is the first time that food security has been incorporated as a first-level criterion in a process of selecting suppliers in a Brazilian food chain.

Research method: Practical application was carried out in a food company located in Brazil.

Main findings: Safety is the most important criteria when selecting a supplier, which ended up reflecting the placement of Supplier 3 as the best rated.

Implications for theory and practice: This research provides the first practical application of a hybrid mathematical technique in the process of selecting suppliers in a Brazilian food chain, evaluating the Food Security criterion on an equal basis with the others, and not as a sub criterion. The model can help managers better understand their suppliers' capabilities and performance.


Multicriteria decision-making method, Hybrid method, Food company, Supplier selection


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