Research Article

Prioritization of occupational health and safety indicators using the Fuzzy-AHP method

Guilherme Ferrari Neto; Gislaine Camila Lapasini Leal; Edwin Vladimir Cardoza Galdamez; Rodrigo Clemente Thom de Souza

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims to assist and facilitate decision-making in health management and work safety by the identification and prioritization of occupational health and safety indicators.

Originality: This research contributes to the literature by demonstrating the applicability of multicriteria tools to solve health and safety-related issues on organizations and also some implications related to this method.

Research method: The methodological approach is the application of the Fuzzy AHP method for prioritization of categories of occupational health and safety indicators.

Main findings: The results show that the category of indicators called “Occupational Health and Safety Management” was considered the most relevant, followed by the categories “Accidents and Diseases” and “Risk Assessment”.

Implications for theory and practice: For the application of the Fuzzy AHP method it is necessary to compare the level of importance between objects. Collecting these assessments can be difficult. In this paper, more than forty companies were reached but only six responded and only two responses were valid.


Work safety, Multicriteria method, OHS management


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