Research Article

Dynamic capabilities for sustainable innovation: the case of a footwear company in Brazil

Bruna Cavalcanti Barros Rodrigues; Cláudia Fabiana Gohr; Álvaro Marques Borges Calazans

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims to investigate which dynamic capabilities are responsible for sustainable innovation.

Originality: Based on the literature review, we propose a theoretical framework that relates dynamic capabilities to sustainable innovation (considering triple bottom line perceptive), regarding product, process marketing, and organizational innovations typologies.

Research method: The framework was applied in this research through a case study method in two plants of a large footwear company that operates in the Northeastern region of Brazil. Data were collected by semi-structured interviews, observation, and company documents.

Main findings: The company developed sustainable innovation focusing on processes and products. The economic aspect of sustainability has a strong influence on these innovations, followed by the environmental aspect. The technological and resource integration are the most critical capabilities.

Implications for theory and practice: The paper contributes to understanding how DCs are deployed to boost sustainable innovation regarding the product, process, marketing, and organizational innovations typologies. Recognizing which DCs are necessary for sustainable innovation is a first step in being able to manage better and enhance sustainability considering the TBL perspective.


Dynamic capabilities, Sustainable innovation, Triple bottom line


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