Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

Towards a contribution to sustainable management of a dairy supply chain

Felipe Ungarato Ferreira; Sabine Robra; Priscilla Cristina Cabral Ribeiro; Carlos Francisco Simões Gomes; José Adolfo de Almeida Neto; Luciano Brito Rodrigues

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Abstract: Paper aims: The paper proposes an enhancement to a focal company in the dairy supply chain, in order to support sustainable performance.

Originality: The authors conclude that previous life cycle assessment (LCA) studies did not recommend for dairy supply chain or use this approach to assess the environmental impacts in this chain.

Research method: A cradle-to-gate attributional life cycle assessment (LCA) study performed in a focal company and considering its transport and processing stages, and three scenarios were proposed as suitable.

Main findings: The impacts derive from energy use and transportation of feedstocks, and the use of cleaning products and certain types of packaging materials. A decrease of 46.5% of the impact in the photochemical oxidant formation category was achieved.

Implications for theory and practice: The results can identify the different impacts throughout the dairy chain associated with the main product’s life cycle, and the possibility of mitigating them.


Supply Chain Management, Life cycle assessment, Environmental impacts, Dairy industry


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