Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

Preliminary study for implementation of voluntary delivery points of expanded polystyrene: a case in southern Brazil

Jaqueline Carneiro Kerber; Henrique Rogério Antunes de Souza Júnior; Maria Eliza Nagel Hassemer; Marina Bouzon

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Abstract: Paper aims: The purpose of the study is to present a proposal for implementation of Voluntary Delivery Points (VDP) of expanded polystyrene (EPS) in Florianópolis city, Brazil.

Originality: Transportation, uncertainty of financial return, and lack of population's awareness are barriers for EPS recycling. This paper seeks to overcome these difficulties to give a better destination for EPS other than landfill. A method is proposed for the implementation of VDP to receive this type of waste. As far as the authors know, no previous research has proposed this analysis for Styrofoam® RL.

Research method: The research method consists of a survey application with the population and spatial analysis using heat maps of the public equipment on QGIS® software.

Main findings: It was possible to verify the generation capability of EPS waste in Florianópolis, the lack of population’s awareness about EPS recycling, and suitable points for the implementation of VDP to aid in the RL.

Implications for theory and practice: This paper seeks to encourage researchers and practitioners to develop solutions for EPS RL. The main contribution of this article is presenting a practical alternative method that aims to overcome one of the main barriers of EPS RL, which is low-density waste transportation, dealing with consumer's responsibility for the waste generated, their awareness on the issue and their active contribution to a proper destination of EPS waste.


Urban solid waste management. Reverse logistics. Spatial analysis.


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