Thematic Section - Sustainability in Transportation and Logistics

Sustainability Assessment of logistics activities in a dairy: An example of an emerging economy

Eduardo Guilherme Satolo; Renan Stenico de Campos; Guilherme de Andrade Ussuna; Alexandre Tadeu Simon; Priscilla Ayleen Bustos Mac-Lean; Sérgio Silva Braga Júnior

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Abstract: Paper aims: The objective of this paper is to evaluate the economic, social, and environmental impacts of logistics activities of a dairy producer located in Brazil.

Originality: The main contribution is to apply a quantitative approach to assessing sustainable logistics in the milk supply chain, serving as a basis for future work on this theme.

Research method: A single case study of a regional producer of dairy products in Brazil is carried out in this research. A sustainable logistics evaluation model was used that quantitatively measures the impact of transportation, storage (including inventory management and material handling activities), packaging, and acquisition activities in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions.

Main findings: It illustrates the challenge that a Small Medium Enterprise (SME) will have to expand its logistics actions, aiming to generate benefit to the consumer because of actions in the economic, environmental, and social dimensions.

Implications for theory and practice: This research expands the literature, as it brings together topics such as sustainability, logistics, supply chain, and agribusiness. The baseline is in the case study with quantitative data that allows us to answer the question of how to be sustainable now, rather than waiting for supply chains to do it first so we can discover it.


Triple bottom line, Milk processors, Sustainable development, Supply chain management


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