Systematic Review

The key aspects of procurement in project management: investigating the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions

Rafael Rossi Buzzetto; Mariana Rodrigues Bauli; Marly Monteiro de Carvalho

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Abstract: Paper aims: This study aims to identify the key aspects of procurement in the Project Management context and their relation to project success. Particularly, the effects of selection criteria, supplier integration and the dynamics of acquisitions are investigated.

Originality: This study contributes to the literature by analysing in depth a large sample of articles that deal with procurement in the Project Management context. This study also presents implications for practice by exploring how procurement management affects project success.

Research method: The methodological approach is a systematic literature review, combining bibliometrics and content analysis.

Main findings: The results show that academic literature focuses on the dynamics of acquisitions, lacking studies on the spectrum of supplier integration and supplier selection criteria. A strong relationship between the dynamics of acquisitions and project success dimensions could be established. Several insights into this relationship can be pointed out, as the effect of synergy with suppliers on the success dimension related to impact on the team.

Implications for theory and practice: The study contributes by identifying the relationship between the selection criteria, levels of supplier integration and dynamics of acquisitions with project success. Possible research gaps and trends are presented for future research.


Procurement, Procurement management, Project management, Supplier, Systematic literature review


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