
Contradiction analysis: towards a dialectical approach in ergonomics field interventions

Nathanael, Dimitris; Zarboutis, Nikos; Marmaras, Nicolas

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The present paper is a methodological contribution to the ergonomics field intervention process. It proposes a perspective on work analysis based on the dialectics notion of contradictions. Contradiction analysis is proposed as being complementary to more established work decomposition methods. The aim of including such an analysis is to frame various heterogeneous determinants of a work activity in practical terms, swiftly and in a manner that preserves its multifaceted unity and essence. Such framing is of particular value when considering alternative design solutions because it provides a practical means for anticipating the effects and side effects of proposed changes. The proposed method is inspired by two theoretical constructs: (i) contradiction, as used in Cultural Historical Activity Theory, and (ii) regulation, as developed and used by the francophone tradition of the ergonomics of activity. Two brief examples of its use are presented, and its usefulness, possible pitfalls and need for further developments are discussed.


Work design & organization. Action research. Macroergonomics. Activity theory


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