Research Article

Scheduling of the inbound and outbound trucks at a Cross-Docking platform considering mutualization of docks

Natalia Cordoba; Alejandro Montoya

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Paper aims: This paper studies a new Cross-Docking (CD) scheduling problem inspired by the trend of resource mutualization at CD operations where a company owning a CD platform can lease its docks to other companies.

Originality: This work pioneers the studies of the resource mutualization at CD operations solving at scheduling problem, where there is a set of requirements for leasing the loading and unloading docks for a period, and the company owning the docks can accept or decline each requirement. Considering that the availability of the docks is linked to scheduling the trucks at the company’s loading and unloading docks, the decision to accept the requirements must be made along with the decisions for scheduling the trucks.

Research method: To solve this problem, this work proposes a Mixed-Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation.

Main findings: Using a commercial solver, the MILP formulation can optimally solve 65/128 instances based on a real operation. For the remaining instances, the MILP formulation obtains an average optimized gap of 8.95%.

Implications for theory and practice: The MILP formulation obtains acceptable results. Moreover, we found that all the instances accepted the requirements showing that it is economically interesting to lease docks.


Cross docking platform, Mutualization, Scheduling problem, MILP formulation


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