Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems

Entropy-MAUT integrated approach supported by Fuzzy K-means: a robust tool for determining critical components for maintenance monitoring and a case study of Kaplan hydro generator unit

Marjorie Maria Bellinello; Sara Antomarioni; Gilberto Francisco Martha de Souza; Maurizio Bevilacqua; Fillipo Emanuele Ciarapica

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Paper aims: This paper aims to develop a proper maintenance policy directly related to defining critical components for ensuring a high level of safety and high-level in-service quality for all hydro generator units.

Originality: An innovative integrated tool that contributes to ensuing assertiveness in decision-making to determine the critical components is presented in this study. Specifically, hydro-generator unit type Kaplan belonging to a Brazilian Hydroelectric power plant is used as an application case to highlight the choice of the most suitable maintenance policy in light of the proposed approach. The selection of the case study is based on the fact that hydroelectric power plants are the basis of the Brazilian energy matrix, accounting for 75% of the demand in the country. Therefore, the need to maintain hydroelectric plants' availability and operational reliability is clear not to compromise the continuity and conformity (quality) of the electrical energy supply.

Research method: Seven multi-criteria decision-making methods were applied in addition to two methods for deciding weight (Critic Method and Entropy) have been compared to determine the critical components of the hydro-generator. To investigate the robustness of the classification of the applied Multi-Criteria Decision Making approaches, a sensitivity analysis was performed based on the weight change of each decision criterion.

Main findings: As a main result, the Entropy- Multi-Attribute Utility Theory model is proposed as the best approach to guarantee the selection of critical components for the Brazilian hydroelectric power plant case study. The validation sensitivity analysis by critical Fuzzy K-means groups guarantees that it is a robust tool for decision-making.

Implications for theory and practice: Ensuring the availability and reliability of hydroelectric plants can be achieved by employing appropriate maintenance policies that reduce the likelihood of failure or even eliminate its root causes, preventing failure from occurring. Consequently, a robust tool for decision-making regarding the Kaplan hydro generator's critical components' monitoring was developed.


Maintenance policy, Entropy-MAUT, Fuzzy K-means, Energy supply, Decision making


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