Thematic Section - Future of Energy-efficient Operations and Production Systems

Permeability evaluation of Industry 4.0 technologies in cloud-based energy management systems environments - Energy Cloud

Jones Luís Schaefer; Patrícia Stefan de Carvalho; Augusto Ruhoff; Johanna Dreher Thomas; Julio Cezar Mairesse Siluk

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   Paper aims: This article aims to diagnose the penetration level of Industry 4.0 technologies in cloud-based energy management systems, the Energy Cloud.

Originality: The energy sector is undergoing a technological evolution driven by the integration of Industry 4.0 technologies with energy management systems, making relevant the study of the permeability of these technologies with energy companies.

Research method: The research used two articles on Energy Cloud as a theoretical basis and a data collection carried out with managers of renewable energy companies, with the data being analyzed using the MONNA software.

Main findings: The results show that there is a greater understanding and use of the Internet of Things and Sensors technologies to the detriment of Cloud Computing and Big Data.

Implications for theory and practice: The article shows that there is a need for managers to seek greater familiarization, especially with Cloud Computing and Big Data.


Energy management, Energy Cloud, Industry 4.0, MONNA


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