Research Article

Involvement of Brazilian companies with occupational health and safety aspects and the new ISO 45001:2018

Leandro Contri Campanelli; Lucas Desiderio Ribeiro; Leonardo Contri Campanelli

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Paper aims: This paper aimed to analyze the level of involvement of companies in the state of São Paulo with aspects of occupational health and safety (OH&S) and with NBR ISO 45001:2018. OH&S aspects have acquired increasing prominence worldwide especially due to the unprecedented publication of ISO 45001 in 2018.

Originality: To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first paper published in Brazil to explore the applicability of ISO 45001 to Brazilian companies.

Research method: A survey was structured based on the requirements of the standard and sent to a sample of companies. After data collection and analysis, interviews were conducted with some of the companies as a way to complement and specify the data obtained.

Main findings: OH&S operations with a management approach mostly occur in large companies. Small and medium-sized companies also work on OH&S aspects, however with specific actions oriented towards the compliance with Regulatory Standards by the Ministry of Labor. The knowledge about ISO 45001 proved to be still incipient.

Implications for theory and practice: Since very few companies have performed some kind of work in order to bring the requirements of ISO 45001 to the organizational environment, new gaps must be filled concerning OH&S aspects.


Occupational health and safety, Management system, ISO 45001


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