Research Article

The influence of factors on project management: a qualitative approach

José Francisco Tebaldi de Castro; Helder Gomes Costa; Mirian Picinini Méxas; Claudio Benevenuto de Campos Lima; Wagner Rodrigues Ribeiro

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Paper aims: This study describes a qualitative analysis methodology, proposing measurement of the degree of influence of factors acting in project management.

Originality: A multidisciplinary approach explores a path not previously addressed by methodologies commonly associated with project management.

Research method: The De Borda method was used on the results collected from a survey composed of two samples, and showed a strong correlation between them.

Main findings: The results suggest the need to adapt certain project management practices in a given environment, in order to preventively guarantee the success of a project during its execution. The Interpersonal Skills, with Tools and Methods, and Top Management Support are the most influential in project deployment of specific samples.

Implications for theory and practice: It covers part of the existing gap regarding the lack of knowledge on the intensity of the effects of active factors in project deployment. Researchers will be able to enhance said factors, understanding which factors determine, preventively, project success.


Influencing factors, Critical success factor, Multi-criteria method, Project success


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