Research Article

Concordance measurement applying the Delphi method: proposal and evaluation of a set determinants factor of the Triple Helix existence

Antônio Honorato de Oliveira; Fernando Augusto Silva Marins; Maurício César Delamaro

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Paper aims: This article presents the development and results of research carried out to know the modus agendi of a Regional Triple Helix and measure the intensity of the presence of a set of factors proposed as determinants of its existence and consolidation.

Originality: This is an unprecedented contribution to research in TH, as it investigates how much an established regional reality matches the pattern of a modus agendi and a set of determining factors of its existence and consolidation.

Research method: The inductive basic research method was adopted, with qualitative and quantitative approach, exploratory and descriptive objective and field research, applying the e-Delphi method.

Main findings: A high degree of misalignment of perceptions was identified among respondents and the existence of a Triple Helix that is still consolidating.

Implications for theory and practice: The relevance of this article is corroborated by the unprecedented application of the calculation of three statistical indicators (CVI-h; CV; IR) in the e-Delphi method. Another important contribution of this research lies in the fact that it investigates the level of alignment of the modus agendi of a TH, with a set of determinant factors that indicate the existence and consolidation of this development.


Triple helix, Delphi method, Concordance Validation Index, Concordance measurement, Enabling solutions, Innovation


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