Research Article

Occupational safety risks during maintenance of telecommunication towers

Rafhael Friederiche Ribeiro; Béda Barkokébas Junior; Eliane Maria Gorga Lago; Ana Rosa Bezerra Martins; Felipe Mendes da Cruz; Tomi Zlatar

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   Paper aims: Conduct a set of case studies on risk management in telecommunication companies, in order to reduce the risks of accidents.

Originality: The present study furthers the discussion of risk management during the maintenance of telecommunication towers.

Research method: Three teams were assessed during their maintenance work. The risks of accidents were identified through self-made questionnaires and the checklist structured from 95 items from Brazilian regulatory and technical norms. The analysis was conducted by using the Hazard Rating Number and the OHSAS hierarchy of risk control, finally comparing the results with the OSHA´s potential draft of the standard addressing telecommunication tower safety.

Main findings: The main risks of accidents were: falling objects; falls from height; electrocution; and attacks from animals. Only 20% of occupational safety items were in conformity.

Implications for theory and practice: Suggestions on control measures were given and discussed for all four risks of accidents.


Telecommunication tower safety, Antenna tower safety, Risk management, Falling objects, Falls from height


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