Research Article

Development of performance indicators for Occupational Health and Safety: a constructivist multicriteria approach for PPE

Carmen Elena Martínez Riascos; Sandra Rolim Ensslin; Eugenio Andrés Díaz Merino

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Paper aims: This study aims to develop indicators, using the Multi-Criteria Decision Aid - Constructivist methodology (MCDA-C), to assess the occupational prevention activities in a psychiatric hospital.

Originality: The application to the health sector of MCDA-C, in a case study during the supply of medicines to patients.

Research method: We use the ProKnow-C. Then, MCDA-C was applied in a case study.

Main findings: Four interest areas were defined, then the critical situations were identified to construct 126 specific indicators and finally the intervention strategies were defined. 26 indicators focused on PPE, 4 lagging and 22 leading. The model enabled the mapping of performance indicator levels. For that, 48 recommendations, and intervention strategies for each situation were defined.

Implications for theory and practice: The use of specific indicators, obtained through a participatory process, allowed the identification of accurate and reliable metrics to measure the actual performance of activities, critical situations, and strategies.


Leading indicators. Lagging indicators. Performance measurement. Occupational health and safety. Multi-Criteria Decision Aid - Constructivist (MCDA-C).


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