Research Article

Paper-based thesis and dissertations: analysis of fundamental characteristics for achieving a robust structure

Flávio Issao Kubota; Paulo Augusto Cauchick-Miguel; Guilherme Tortorella; Marlene Amorim

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Abstract: Paper aims: This study identifies fundamental characteristics for developing a paper-based thesis (PBT), providing some recommendations to researchers who decide for this academic research report.

Originality: This paper contributes to the literature by providing guidance to develop PBTs, which has been attracting researchers' interest because it demonstrates publication capacity and potential as a researcher. Additionally, it is still not entirely clear which issues and countermeasures researchers should address when choosing the paper-based structure.

Research method: The authors searched for articles of PBTs already published, institutional documents (e.g., regulations for conducting PBTs in Brazil and abroad) and journal papers concerning this subject. A content and document analysis were conducted in the papers and PBT internal regulations, respectively.

Main findings: Results indicate five main factors that impact the success of a PBT approach: (i) the initial planning for this academic model; (ii) alignment between the articles and the thesis/dissertation; (iii) research design construction; (iv) copyrights requirements; and (v) issues regarding co-authorship. Based on that, the study also builds some guidelines to structure a robust PBT.

Implications for theory and practice: Our recommendations might be meaningful to scholars and researchers bring more theoretical, empirical, and structural robustness when developing a PBT final document.


Article-based thesis, Publication-based thesis, Thesis by publications, Thesis as a series of papers, Hybrid thesis


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