Research Article

Risk prioritization based on the combination of FMEA and dual hesitant fuzzy sets method

Lucas Daniel Del Rosso Calache; Lucas Gabriel Zanon; Rafael Ferro Munhoz Arantes; Lauro Osiro; Luiz Cesar Ribeiro Carpinetti

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper proposes the combination of the quality tool FMEA (Failure Modes Effects and Analysis) with the DHFS (Dual Hesitant Fuzzy sets) technique to process judgements with hesitation and hence conduct the prioritization of failure modes considering a group decision making problem.

Originality: There are no studies that combine the FMEA tool with the DHFS technique.

Research method: Firstly, this paper presents a review of the current FMEA literature. Then, the group decision model is presented combining the FMEA and the DHFS. Finally, an illustrative example in the context of supplier failure modes is brought to guide future applications of the proposal.

Main findings: The paper presents a model that combines the FMEA tool with the DHFS. It allows considering different risk factors weights in a group decision process with experts from several areas. The model is also able to deal with the different types of hesitations present in the judgements.

Implications for theory and practice: The traditional FMEA does not deal with individual judgments of different decision makers. The new proposal can be easily applied in different contexts of potential failure modes analysis considering different types of hesitation in group decision making, such as medical and humanitarian.


FMEA, Dual Hesitant Fuzzy Sets, Risk evaluation, Supplier failure modes, Group decision


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