Research Article

Fast-response measures to mitigate the COVID-19 health and economic impacts within the organizations: the case of Thyssenkrupp Elevator Brazil

Rodrigo Frank de Souza Gomes; Leandro Gauss; Daniel Pacheco Lacerda

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Abstract: Paper aims: This paper aims at investigating the efficacy of fast-response measures to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 in an essential service organization that continued to operate despite the pandemic.

Originality: Although the number of studies associated with COVID-19 has grown exponentially, insufficient attention has been paid to how organizations should rapidly respond to overcome the trade-off between worker’s health and economic activity.

Research method: A five-step case study design is carried out in this research. The efficacy of measures is assessed through the amplitude and agreement level among respondents as well as a statistical comparative analysis to evidence the significance of the results.

Main findings: Our findings indicate that the mitigation measures implemented within the factory were well-accepted by employees and empirical evidence attests to the efficacy of the actions implemented, even though further studies are needed.

Implications for theory and practice: The study expands the literature about Business Continuity Planning and highlights the Evaporating Cloud (a tool of the Theory of Constraints) as a mechanism to broaden the capacity to analyze conflicts. For practitioners, this research presents a useful body of knowledge to deal with trade-offs at the enterprise-level.


COVID-19. Mitigation measures, Business continuity planning, Theory of constraints


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