Research Article

Lean techniques application towards efficient collaborative robot integration: an experimental study

Anthony Quenehen; Jerome Pocachard; Nathalie Klement; Lionel Roucoules; Olivier Gibaru

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   Paper aims: Highlight the practical implications of coupling collaborative robots with lean manufacturing techniques and understand mutual contributions towards enhanced operational performance.

Originality: Usage of an experimental approach, focusing on lean techniques as a differentiating skill to implement efficiently collaborative robots in a production representative environment.

Research method: Experimental case study, based on the gradual implementation of a collaborative robot within a manual assembly process in order to design a collaborative process.

Main findings: Guidelines for transition from manual to collaborative process, incorporating incremental improvement loops – and related skills – enabling enhanced performance.

Implications for theory and practice: Identification of a set of lean techniques contributing positively to collaborative robots’ usage, incorporated in a step by step operator driven implementation process.


Collaborative robot. Lean techniques. Process improvement. Integration method. Experimental approach.


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