
Work in process level definition: a method based on computer simulation and electre tri

Pergher, Isaac; Vaccaro, Guilherme Luis R.

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This paper proposes a method for defining the levels of work in progress (WIP) in productive environments managed by constant work in process (CONWIP) policies. The proposed method combines the approaches of Computer Simulation and Electre TRI to support estimation of the adequate level of WIP and is presented in eighteen steps. The paper also presents an application example, performed on a metalworking company. The research method is based on Computer Simulation, supported by quantitative data analysis. The main contribution of the paper is its provision of a structured way to define inventories according to demand. With this method, the authors hope to contribute to the establishment of better capacity plans in production environments.


Work in process. CONWIP. Discrete event simulation. Multicriteria decision analysis


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