
Hybrid GRASP heuristics for the phylogeny problem combining path-relinking and genetic algorithm as an intensification strategy

Vianna, Dalessandro Soares; Vianna, Marcilene de Fátima D.

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A phylogeny is a tree that relates taxonomic units based on their similarity over a set of characteristics. The phylogeny problem under the parsimony criterion consists in finding a phylogeny with a minimum number of evolutionary steps. We propose hybrid heuristic methods - based on GRASP, path-relinking and genetic algorithm methodologies - to build a phylogeny while minimizing parsimony. Computational experiments using benchmark conditions are reported, and the results obtained by the proposed hybrid heuristics are compared with the solutions obtained by a traditional GRASP (without hybridization) heuristic and with previously reported solutions in the literature. The experimental results illustrate that the proposed heuristics are efficient in terms of solution quality and time-to-target-value.


Phylogeny problem. Evolutionary trees. GRASP. Path-relinking. Genetic algorithm. Heuristics.


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