
Análise da competitividade da indústria marítima brasileira – associação dos fatores críticos de sucesso com suas dimensões

Analysis of competitiveness in Brazilian maritime industry - the associating critical success factors with their dimensions

Moura, Delmo Alves de; Botter, Rui Carlos

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Esta pesquisa analisa a competitividade da indústria marítima brasileira focada nos segmentos da construção naval, reparo naval, construção de plataforma/FPSO e construção náutica, turismo, lazer e recreação. O estudo buscou definir os fatores críticos de sucesso da indústria marítima brasileira e fazer a associação com suas respectivas dimensões. Utilizaram-se, como parâmetros, os modelos de dimensões propostos por Slack (1993), Bolwijn e Kumpe (1990). Foram realizadas pesquisas em campo nos 31 estaleiros brasileiros e buscou-se associar os fatores críticos de sucesso com as dimensões definidas na literatura e analisar o estágio de competitividade da indústria marítima brasileira. Dentre as principais conclusões avalia-se que existam nichos específicos que podem tornar o Brasil competitivo e promover o crescimento da indústria marítima doméstica.


Indústria marítima brasileira. Competitividade. Fatores críticos de sucesso.


This study examines the competitiveness of the Brazilian maritime industry segment focused on shipbuilding, ship repair, construction of platform / FPSO construction and boating, tourism, leisure and recreation. The study tries to define the critical factors of success in Brazil’s maritime industry and draws associations among their respective dimensions. The Models of dimensions proposed by Slack (1993), and Bolwijn and Kumpe (1990) were used as parameters. Field surveys were performed in thirty-one Brazilian shipyards searching for associations among the critical factors of success with the dimensions defined in the literature and the stage of competitiveness of the Brazilian maritime industry was analyzed. Among the main conclusions is the fact that there are particular niches that make Brazil competitive and promote the domestic shipping industry’s growth.


Brazilian maritime industry. Competitiveness. Critical success factors


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