
Proposal of a new method for effectiveness evaluation in the product design and development process

Carminada Netto, Adherbal; Kaminski, Paulo Carlos

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This paper addresses the subject of product design process evaluation from the designer’s point of view. Based on the results of a preliminary research phase a comprehensive questionnaire is drawn up, and applied to a selected group of designers in the automotive industry, comprising Brazilian plants of two major car manufacturers, two Tier 1 suppliers and one lorry and bus manufacturer. Data provided by the answers are compiled, presented and discussed within each organizational environment. A combined analysis is then carried out in order to identify those management actions that are considered by the automotive industry as being more important for both assuring and evaluating the effectiveness of the product design and development process. Management actions are classified according to criteria supplied by the ISO quality management standards. Finally, based on the evaluation, management action indicators are defined and a single and flexible effectiveness index is proposed, which can be calculated using both company and industry data for evaluation and benchmark purposes.


Continual improvement. Critical incident technique. Effectiveness. Product design and development. ServQual.


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