A Project Based Learning approach for Production Planning and Control: analysis of 45 projects developed by students
Barbalho, Sanderson César Macêdo; Reis, Ana Carla Bittencourt; Bitencourt, Julia Alexssandra; Leão, Maria Clara Leopoldino de Arêa; Silva, Gladston Luiz da
The project-based learning (PBL) approach has been a part of the University of Brasilia's programme from the inception of its Industrial Engineering syllabus. Production Systems Project 4 course is one among eight courses that drive the utilization of PBL approach at the curriculum, the subject of this study, in which we present a set of analyses of the projects developed between 2013 and 2016. The projects involved real-world problems, related to public and private sector enterprises in Brazil’s Federal District. The conducted analyses aimed to identify the organizations’ profiles and the PPC (Production Planning and Control) techniques which were used to achieve project objectives. Therefore, statistical analyses were performed, such as Correlation Analysis, Cluster Analysis, as well as qualitative documental analysis. The results of this study indicate the profile of external partners that have the highest probability of achieving satisfactory results, as well as the main planning elements which impact the final grades of the projects.
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