Research Article

Learning lean with lego: developing and evaluating the efficacy of a serious game

Leal, Fabiano; Martins, Paula Carneiro; Torres, Alexandre Fonseca; Queiroz, José Antonio de; Montevechi, José Arnaldo Barra

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This study presents the use of a serious game developed to teach Lean philosophy. The structure of this game was built from theoretical elements and predefined learning events. Learning outcomes and student motivation were considered in the evaluation of the efficacy of the game. This serious game was applied to four groups of students with different profiles. The evaluation results were compared among these groups of students. It can be concluded that the serious game developed showed positive results in learning and motivation demonstrated by the students, regardless of the group analyzed. The main contributions to the literature presented in this article were the serious game (named 3L) that was developed and the efficacy evaluation method, considering the learning and motivation demonstrated in different profiles of students.


Active learning, ARCS, Business simulation game.


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