Research Article

A case method for Sales and Operations Planning: a learning experience from Germany

Scavarda, Luiz Felipe; Hellingrath, Bernd; Kreuter, Tobias; Thomé, Antonio Márcio Tavares; Seeling, Marcelo Xavier; Fischer, Jan-Hendrick; Mello, Raquel

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Adequate preparation, learning, and training is required for Sales and Operations Planning (S&OP) to aid organizations in achieving the full expected benefits from its implementation. This paper presents a case method for S&OP and the learning experience of its application at the University of Münster (Germany). The “constructive alignment principle” was applied with a “team teaching” approach, involving an executive from the case company. Students improved their knowledge on S&OP and their analytical skills by understanding the conceptual S&OP building blocks and by learning how to deal with them to provide a solution for a case based on a real-life situation. The learning results were evaluated positively during the discipline’s student evaluation of teaching (SET). The applied case method enhanced the student’s motivation and engagement (e.g., higher preparation effort and class attendance), which were considered higher than in other disciplines with the traditional lecture-based education.


Teaching case, Engineering education, Operations management, Supply chain, Production planning and control.


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