Research Article

Proposal of statistical analysis to support the assessment method of a Brazilian Industrial Engineering course

Gaudêncio, Juliana Helena Daroz; Scheidegger, Anna Paula Galvão; Pinto, Camila Pereira; Turrioni, João Batista; Turrioni, Ana Maria Silveira

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The requirement to adapt the university education to demands of society and professional market is improving the teaching methodologies that try to develop skills and prepare the students to deal with day-to-day situations of a business environment. Therefore, this research presents the assessment method utilized in an Industrial Engineering course carried out by a Brazilian public university in partnership with a multinational company. The course had 37 participants, consisting of: 28 students divided into four groups; 1 teacher; 4 university tutors; and 4 company tutors. The main objective is to assess the consistency of grades assigned to students and their work groups using agreement, variance and correlation analyses. As conclusion, the analyses indicated a possible deficiency in the assessment method application since the values of agreement and correlation coefficients were lower than expected but also provided a positive contribution to the improvement of assessment and the course as a whole.


Assessment method, Active learning, Active teaching, Higher education, Engineering education.


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