Research Article

Assessment and prioritisation of innovation project driven by enterprise strategy using a Fuzzy-QFD approach

Matheus Henrique Kupka; Anderson Luis Szejka; Eduardo de Freitas Rocha Loures

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Paper aims: This paper aims to develop and validate a Maturity Analysis and Prioritization framework for Innovation Projects (MAPIP) using a Fuzzy-QFD approach to enhance decision-making and alignment with organizational strategies in the metal-mechanical industry.

Originality: The study introduces a novel application of the Fuzzy-QFD model, integrating 40 criteria across desirability, feasibility, viability, and maturity stages to create a tool for prioritizing innovation projects.

Research method: The MAPIP Fuzzy-QFD approach was applied to two innovation projects within a metal-mechanical company, each differing in novelty and complexity. The methodology involves assessing projects based on maturity stages while evaluating strategic alignment through fuzzy logic to handle qualitative and uncertain data.

Main findings: Results indicate that Project 01 achieved a higher maturity level than Project 02, suggesting that the model effectively identifies projects with higher strategic potential and readiness for market entry. This confirms the model’s robustness in evaluating and prioritizing projects with multiple characteristics.

Implications for theory and practice: This research expands the applicability of Fuzzy-QFD in innovation management, demonstrating its utility in project prioritization. Additionally, the MAPIP Fuzzy-QFD approach provides organizations with a tool for optimizing resource allocation and strategic alignment in project selection, supporting competitive advantage in complex industrial sectors.


Innovation, Fuzzy-QFD, Maturity assessment, Metal-mechanical industry


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