Research Article

Group decision model to support public managers in landfill site selection

Elton César dos Santos Silva; Danielle Costa Morais

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Paper aims: The objective of this work is to develop a comprehensive group decision model to support public managers in choosing the best location for the construction of landfills based on a strategy known as “regionalization” (collaborative construction of landfills).

Originality: The proposed group decision model innovates when considering the regionalization strategy in a multi-DM environment based on a framework for choosing a voting procedure.

Research method: The model is divided into three stages: (i) individual assessment of preferences; (ii) choosing a voting procedure; and, (iii) group aggregation and recommendation. First, it uses MCDA/M to elicit DMs' preferences and obtain individual rankings; then, a framework for choosing a voting procedure (VP) to aggregate individual preferences and obtain a collective choice.

Main findings: The main findings indicate that the proposed model that uses PHOMETHEE-ROC and a VP proposes a recommendation that is of everyone’s interest in the presented multi-DM landfill site selection problem presenting its feasibility and applicability.

Implications for theory and practice: It encourages public managers to use a formal approach to make a comprehensive analysis of solid waste management practices. Furthermore, the proposition of an integrative framework to support group decision analysis by using MCDA/M and VP.


Group decision making, Multi-criteria decision analysis, Choosing a voting procedure, Solid waste management, PROMETHEE-ROC


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