Research Article

Assessment of Critical Factors in home injuries

Rodrigo Luz Santos; Adonias Magdiel Silva Ferreira; Cristiano Hora Fontes; Jorge Laureano Moya Rodríguez

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Paper aims: The aim of this paper is to develop a model to evaluate the risk of home injuries by identifying and evaluating the different variables involved in domestic accidents.

Originality: This work evaluated critical factors that increase the risk of domestic accidents through an approach based on structural equation modeling, the results of which and sample planning were supported by statistical indicators.

Research method: The method applied a survey, using the Google Forms tool and the data obtained were analyzed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) based on Partial Least Squares (PLS). Five hypotheses were tested.

Main findings: The proposed model identifies critical factors associated with the risk of domestic accidents. This represents a relevant contribution to the broad area of safe consumption and national bodies dedicated to this topic.

Implications for theory and practice: The modeling carried out has the potential for theoretical and practical contributions: identification of critical variables; improvement of theoretical models; proposing public policies; implementing targeted interventions; improving the safety of consumer products; education and awareness; improvement of domestic and consumer accident monitoring systems.


Home injuries, Domestic accidents, Risks, Structural equation modeling (SEM)


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