Thematic Section - Industry 5.0: Human-centric production management (Social systems for future manufacturing)

The human resources and knowledge management integrated role in Industry 4.0/5.0: a Human-Centric Operations Management framework

Vagner Batista Ribeiro; Davi Nakano; Jorge Muniz Jr.

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Paper aims: This paper aims to identify aspects of Human Resources (HR) and Knowledge Management (KM) in the context of Industry 4.0 (I4.0), to propose a research agenda to support a knowledge-based production management, effective knowledge retention and sharing, and support I4.0 adoption.

Originality: Mainly focusing on I4.0 technology issues, the related literature does not explore the impacts on people. This paper discusses how people, organization and society are affected and proposes a research agenda to study HR and KM within I4.0.

Research method: A Systematic Literature Review was conducted in 80 papers relating HR and KM and I4.0 implementation, focusing on the human role and required competencies for I4.0.

Main findings: The research agenda is organized in a framework including Society (Context and Sustainability), People (Workers and Managers), Organizations (Production and Service), Management Practices (HRM and Lean Process), and KM & Learning.

Implications for theory and practice: The better understanding of workers´ roles, KM and HR practices in the I4.0 contributes to the theoretical debate about promoting knowledge creation and sharing, new HR policies and decision-making. The findings provide theoretical contributions for human adaptation to I4.0, and practical contributions for managers dealing with I4.0.


Industry 5.0, Knowledge management, People, Society, Organization


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