Research Article

A conceptual framework for standardizing the "Deliver" process in the Mineral Supply Chain Upstream Segment

Raúl Ignacio Castillo-Villagra; Klaus-Dieter Thoben

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Paper aims: Developing a conceptual framework for modeling the "Deliver" business process of the Mineral Supply Chain (MiSC) upstream segment, based on a standardized perspective.

Originality: A novel approach is introduced that adapts the Supply Chain Operation Reference (SCOR) and the Exploration and Mining Enterprise Reference (EM) models to standardize the "Deliver" of the MiSC's upstream segment. It fills the gap in existing MiSC models, which lack a standardized framework and boundaries for their segments.

Research method: It followed design science research (DSR), specifically a Requirement- and development-focused research approach. A top-down modeling technique was developed to develop the "Deliver" modeling framework at three levels of abstraction, reusing, and adapting standardized models SCOR and EM.

Main findings: The SCOR can be adapted for "Deliver" in the upstream segment of MiSC. The study establishes the modeling basis for integration with downstream business processes. It also emphasizes the need to support the integration of MiSC with a commercialization framework.

Implications for theory and practice: The "Deliver" model developed offers a practical tool for MiSC practitioners to integrate upstream and downstream segments. This study encourages further research in the MiSC, especially in the upstream segment, to improve transparency and understanding for stakeholders.


Mineral supply chain, Business Process Modeling, Design Science Research, SCOR model, EM model


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