Research Article

Analytic hierarchy process applied in the prioritization of third-party logistics providers in banking services

Paulo Siqueira Testoni; Claudemir Leif Tramarico; Elias Carlos Aguirre Rodríguez; Fernando Augusto Silva Marins

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Paper aims: This paper describes research that aimed to develop a procedure for prioritizing the performance management of Third-party logistics (3PL) who work in a banking services company.

Originality: This article’s main contribution is the development of a procedure for evaluation and prioritization of the main 3PL performance indicators based on the SCOR model’s metrics.

Research method: This paper applied Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), a method for multi-criteria analysis, using the metrics of Supply Chain Operations Reference Model (SCOR).

Main findings: The approach proposed evaluates performance indicators of 3PL and prioritizes the development of new performance indicators using the metrics agility, responsiveness, and reliability of SCOR.

Implications for theory and practice: This research contributes to the literature by demonstrating the applicability of multicriteria approach to find the prioritization of 3PL in a banking services company.


Analytic hierarchy process, Banking services, Performance management, Third-party logistics providers


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