Research Article

Exploring Key Factors for Implementing Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) within the Framework of Industry 4.0 for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) in the Manufacturing Sector

Caroline Gomes; Eduarda Busanello; Bruno Padilha; Laura Visintainer Lerman; Verônica Maurer Tabim

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Paper aims: The present study addresses this challenge by delving into the influential factors guiding small and medium-sized manufacturing companies towards MES adoption in the context of Industry 4.0.

Originality: Given the longstanding existence of Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES) for two decades before the development of Industry 4.0 (I4.0) concept, the already complex understanding of MES in the market, particularly among manufacturing companies, has become even more intricate. This complexity is exacerbated when considering MES as a pivotal element for vertical integration within the realm of I4.0.

Research method: Through in-depth qualitative interviews, six professionals deeply engaged with MES systems, including three from a system development company and three SME experts utilizing the product, were consulted.

Main findings: The results shed light on how manufacturing SMEs are embracing MES. Drawing upon the technological, organizational, and environmental dimensions, as well as the innovation diffusion process, an integrative model was crafted. This model serves as a lens to scrutinize the intricate process of MES adoption.

Implications for theory and practice: the article advances the diffusion of innovation theory and the technological-organizational-environment framework, because it brings a consolidated vision of both for the implementation of systems in Industry 4.0.


Industry 4.0 (I4.0), Manufacturing Execution Systems (MES), Vertical Integration, Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), Innovation Diffusion (DOI), Technology–Organization–Environment (TOE) framework


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