Systematic Review

Competencies of the engineer in industry 4.0 context: a systematic literature review

Walter Rosas Quintero; Julia Eleana Namuche Maldonado

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Paper aims: To analyze the main studies to identify the competencies that engineers must possess in their education to confront the challenges of Industry 4.0.

Originality: The lack of clarity in the existing literature regarding the competencies of engineers in the context of Industry 4.0 reinforces the manuscript's originality.

Research method: Systematic review aimed at investigating the competencies engineers need in their professional education for success in Industry 4.0.

Main findings: There is no consensus on the required competencies for engineers to meet the new challenges posed by Industry 4.0; an ongoing topic of debate among experts in Industry 4.0 and the educational sector.

Implications for theory and practice: The practical and theoretical implications presented in this document are relevant for researchers and academics, as they can serve as a guide for future research and the development of models to close the competency gap in Industry 4.0.


Competences, Engineering, Engineering education, Industry 4.0


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