Systematic Review

Life cycle sustainability assessment of the agri-food chain: empirical review and bibliometrics

Camila Matos; Valderice Herth Junkes; Fernando Henrique Lermen; Ruane Fernandes de Magalhães; Gustavo de Souza Matias; José Luis Duarte Ribeiro; Giane Gonçalves Lenzi; Hugo Valadares Siqueira

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Paper aims: This study aims to identify the advances in the literature related to Sustainable Life Cycle Assessment in the agricultural and food process sectors.

Originality: This study pioneers an investigation into trends in applying Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment techniques within the agricultural and food processing sectors, with a comprehensive consideration of environmental, economic, and social perspectives.

Research method: A systematic literature review and a bibliometric analysis revealed 71 articles that applied at least one of the life cycle assessment tools.

Main findings: The bibliometric analysis indicated that the studied areas have two main areas that separate studies in the food process sector and the agricultural sector areas. The content analysis indicated that most studies apply the environmental assessment of the life cycle, coupling some studies with the economic and social view and mainly using an attributional approach with the scope ranging from the cradle to the grave regarding the area.

Implications for theory and practice: As for theory, this study includes advancing knowledge and filling a research gap, while the practical relates to more sustainable decision-making by professionals involved in the agricultural and food processing sectors.


Life cycle sustainability assessment, Agriculture, Food process, Farm, Impacts


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