Systematic Review

Occupational risks of work in the agricultural sector: a systematic literature review

Valderice Herth Junkes; Camila Matos; Gustavo de Souza Matias; Fernando Henrique Lermen; Riccardo Patriarca; Hugo Valadares Siqueira; Giane Gonçalves Lenzi

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Paper aims: This study aims to identify the occupational risks to which workers in the agricultural sector are exposed during the development of their activities on rural properties.

Originality: This study’s originality lies in filling a gap in identifying the main risks to which workers in the agricultural sector are exposed. The study identifies which risks they are exposed to in the literature.

Research method: A systematic review of the literature over the last five years (2017-2021) revealed 56 articles that identified at least one occupational risk to workers in the agricultural sector.

Main findings: The bibliometric analysis indicated that the studies are divided into agricultural (33.9%) and animal (66.1%) production. Thus, the content analysis indicated that the most frequent agricultural production risk is the chemical risk due to the high use of pesticides and in animal production is the biological risk due to workers' contact with animals. It should be noted that the leading cause identified in these studies is the lack of personal safety equipment and training.

Implications for theory and practice: The implications include advancing theoretical and practical knowledge concern decision-making regarding new work safety practices for professionals involved in the agricultural sector.


Agricultural production, Animal production, Risk analysis


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