Research Article

A multinomial logistic regression model for public transportation use in a medium-sized Brazilian city

Marianna Lucinda de Oliveira; Josiane Palma Lima

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Paper aims: This paper addresses the influence of socioeconomic, quality, built environment, and safety variables on the demand for public transportation service.

Originality: This study covers a differentiated and little explored analysis in the literature on the frequency of use of public transport, using different exploratory variables and characteristics of the urban environment.

Research method: A sample of 274 bus users was obtained and the multinomial logistic regression method was performed to analyze how different variables impact frequency of use public transportation.

Main findings: The use of public transportation to work and study, transportation vouchers, distance traveled to central business and accessibility were strongly associated with more frequency of public transportation use. Owning a vehicle, and dissatisfaction with fare and bus schedules led to less frequent use.

Implications for theory and practice: This study corroborate with literature, where the public transportation is not the main mode of transportation due: private vehicle ownership; dissatisfaction with the public transportation; very low household income; no tariff subsidy; and difficulties in accessing bus stops. In practice, it can aid public transport providers to promote strategies to increase demand and improve service. It also advises government bodies on encouraging sustainable mobility, bringing benefits to society.


Sustainability, Users’ satisfaction, Public transport service, Demand promotion strategies, Increased frequency of use


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